Filament Tape VS Duct Tape: Which One ls Better For You?

Are you trying to find the right tape for packaging your products and getting confused?  Don’t worry! This blog is here to remove all your confusion by suggesting your two most common tapes. Thepurpose of this blog is to explain to you through facts and figures what tape can be best for you.

Moreover, there are several options available in the market these days. lt becomes difficult for a manto choose the one that can meet his needs. Different tapes are manufactured these days, and none ofthem are similar. So let’s dig into filament tape and duct tape. Continue reading!

What Is Filament Tape?

Filament tape is also known as strapping tape. lt consists of pressure-sensitive adhesive hence apressure-sensitive tape. The adhesive is coated onto the backing material, which is usually a polyesteror polypropylene film. There are fiberglass filaments embedded to get high tensile strength

Note that different types of filament tapes are available in the market with diferent strengths. Thegrades and types of adhesives used in filament tapes also vary.

Wondering how it is made and what can be the uses or applications of filament tapes? Continue reading!

How ls lt Made?

To understand the making of filament tape, you need to understand the components from which it ismade. Three main components help you to manufacture the filament tape. These components arelisted below:

  •  Biaxially oriented polypropylene backing, also known as BOPP backing,

  •  Embedded fiberglass into the backings.

  •  Hot melted adhesive.

These components carry a strong nature that makes your filament tapes extremely resistant andstrong. Moreover, these components give your filament tapes great tensile strength and power.

Applications Of Filament Tapes

Filament tapes are mostly utilized for medium- to heavy-duty tasks with strong resistance and tensilestrength. For example, filament tapes can be the best choice if you need to bundle heavy itemstogether, Some other applications are listed below:

  •   Wrapping heavy cardboard boxes

  •   General reinforcement applications

  •   Difficult pallet fastening

Some important industries making full use of filament tapes are listed below:

  •   Metal works

  •   Appliances

  •   Automotive parts

  •   Sporting goods

  •   Manufacturing

  •   Oil & gas

  •   Toys

  •   Food and beverages.

When choosing a filament tape for your industry, know your requirements. it will help you choose theright one in a much better way.

What ls Duct Tape?

Duct tape is also known as duck tape since it was manufactured from cotton duck cloth, lt is a pressure-sensitive backing tape that is coated with polyethylene. Like filament tapes, duct tapes are also found in different types based on adhesives and backings.

The term duct tape is utilized to show a reference with different cloth tapes having different applications.

It is most generally available in silvery gray, but different manufacturers produce them in different colors. lt is interesting to know that they also exist in several printed designs.

Duct tape is also a multi purpose tool with extreme versatility to provide reliable and strong solutionsfor any task.

The manufacturing and applications of duct tapes are given below:

How ls lt Made?

Duct tape is a robust and waterproof tape. To know how it is manufactured, you need to know itscomponents. lt is made from:

  •   Polyethylene backing

  •   Hot melted adhesive

In order news, duct tapes are usually manufactured from cotton, fiberglass mesh fabric, rayon, nylonand polyester, The purpose of using these clothes is to provide good strength. A fabric known as’scrim” is laminated to the backing of LDPE (low-density polyethylene).

There can be different colors for the duct tape. For example, mixing aluminum with LDPE can achievea gray color.

Some important applications of duct tape are listed below:

Applications Of Duct Tape
if you are dealing with a situation requiring very sticky tape, then duct tape can be the right choice.
These tapes possess a higher resistance to weathering with long-lasting adhesive.

Note that gaffer tape is an advanced version of duct tape

Duct tape’s amazing multiple uses have earned it a strong place in the culture. lt inspired a vastnumber of innovative and creative applications.

People also use duct tape to treat warts by using duct tape occlusion therapy. However, this treatment isn’t recommended as routine treatment due to its poor effectiveness, Studies also suggest that treatments through duct tape are much more effective than other medical options.

It is also used in the shoe repairing process.

It is surprising that Apple company also used duct tape as an alternative to Apple’s rubber case.

Duct tape has some more applications given below:

  •   eIndoor and outdoor applications

  •   Holding

  •   Bundling

  •   Packaging

  •   Banding 

  •   Tabbing

  •   Splicing

  •   Waterproofing

  •   Strapping

Industries using duct tapes are listed below:

  •   Spaceflight e.g. NASA

  •   Military

  •   Electronics

  •   Building & Construction

  •   Shipping & Logistics

  •   Automotives.


The final thoughts come to the point that you must choose a tape based on your applications andrequirements. Knowing which tape can be the right choice for you depends on your requirements anduses. Therefore, you need to understand your reguirements first fully.

Consult the supplier or manufacturer to help choose the right tape for your work. Contact Us now ifyou are looking for an experienced and skilled tape manufacturer for duct or filament tapes.